Create Reports
Add blocks

Discover how to create your team's report with Tony. Just start adding blocks!
Tony is a conversational assistant dedicated to creating reports from conversations. Reports are built with blocks. Everything in Tony is a "block". A text block, Voice notes block, and many others.


Create with Blocks

Start adding blocks to create your report.

Start adding

Adding block is easy, there are two ways to add blocks.

  • Add block menu  + Hover a block. A  +  icon appears in the left margin. Clic to open the add menu and select the block type you want to add.
  • Shortcuts
    Easiest command to add blocks to your reports.Windows:  Ctrl + Enter 
    macOS:  ⌘ + Enter 

Delete blocks

Deleting is as easy as adding.

  • Action menu  ⋮⋮ Hover a block. A  ⋮⋮  icon appears in the left margin. Clic to open the action menu and click on delete.
  • Shortcuts
    Easiest command to delete blocks from your reports.Windows:  Ctrl + Backspace 
    macOS:  ⌘ + Backspace 

Reorder blocks

Any block can be dragged and dropped around the Report.

  • Hold Action menu  ⋮⋮ Hover a block. Hold the  ⋮⋮  icon located in the left margin drag and drop the block.

Block types

Special Blocks to fit every conversation into each report.

Text & Layouts

From plain text to more advanced formats, it is simple to pimp your report with Tony.

 H1   H2   H3   Bullet   Ordered   To-do   Toggle   Quote   Mention 

  • Add block menu  +  Hover a block. A  +  icon appears in the left margin. Click to open the add menu and select  Text .
  • Shortcut:
    Windows:  Ctrl + Enter 
    macOS:  ⌘ + Enter 

    More about text edition -->

Voice notes

From voice to text in seconds. Really helpful for summarizing key points from a conversation, presenting ideas, or just adding any content that would be too long to write down manually.

Code snippet

Perfect to add code in the report. The code block accept any language and come with formatting automation.

  • Add a dedicated code block Click on the  +  icon to open the add menu and select  Code .
  • Add inline code snippetEasiest command to add inline code blocks. Shortcut:
    Windows:  Ctrl + Alt + C 
    macOS:  ⌘ + Alt + C 

Tables  soon 

You’re working on something really serious if you need tables. Add tables to your report.

  • Add a dedicated table block Click on the  +  icon to open the add menu and select  Table .

Table block.png

Media  soon 

Soon you will get the option to add, view, and play several types of media right in your report.

  • ImagesUpload images or add images on your page.
  • VideoUpload your own file or embed from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  • Audio
    Upload your own recording.

Media Block.png


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